After you enter the selected Booking Enquiry, you will have 2 or 3 (depending on the Event date - if it has passed, then you will see only 2 available) options to choose from in terms of the status.
- You can select the "Booking confirmed" option and then here, you can discover more about how to confirm a Booking. Basically, you do this any time a customer signs a contract to hire your Venue, or paid the deposit to reserve your Space.
- You can mark the Booking Enquiry as "Enquiry is still in progress" when you are still not sure if the User will go ahead with the Booking.
- You can select the Enquiry was unsuccessful option, to close the enquiry.
- When you are still talking to the User directly via phone or private emails, click "Enquiry is still in progress" to avoid receiving "Requires Finalising" reminders.
- When the Event Date is far in the future - sometimes, Users take more than 17 days to respond. Instead of marking this Booking Enquiry as "Unsuccessful", mark it as “Enquiry is still in progress”.
- The third status that you can choose from is "Enquiry was unsuccessful". Select that option only when you are sure that the User will not proceed with a Booking. Such Booking Enquiry will be automatically moved to the "Lost" status in the "My Enquiries" section. Nonetheless, please note that the User will still be able to "re-open" that Booking Enquiry by replying to you at any time, which will move the Enquiry from “Lost” to “In progress” status then.
You can also change the status of an already finalised Booking Enquiry - if the User changed their mind and canceled their Event:
- or if they decided to come back and go ahead with your Venue.
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